Opis telefonu komórkowego po angielsku --> trzeba opisać ogólnie jaki jest telefon i co takiego się znajduje w tym telefonie
Sony Ericsson in 800 and it is the first phone, produced together with the brand Walkman!!! 3 G is a phone (of the third generation). In his possession he has: MP 3 player, video camera, browser the Web, the slot of memory cards, the Java, transmission of faxes, and functions which every phone of 3 G has that is: the tape recorder, the modem, vocal choosing, the clock, the alarm clock, the calendar, the calculator and profiles. His dimensions it: the breadth of 46 mm, the height of 100 mm, the thickness of 20 mm, but his weight it 100 I am playing. His price it about 850 - 1000 zloty.