Do piątku. Daje naj. Bardzo proszę o pomoc bo to na zaliczenie. Tylko proszę nie kopiować i nie używać translatora(tam jest zły szyk zdania). Myślę że liczba punktów jest dość duża, ze można troszkę pomyśleć.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc.
My room is very big and I have it only for myself. Walls are green, but the door is white. In front of the door there is a big window with blue curtains. The desk is next to the brown wardrobe. There is a red lamp on the desk and some notebooks. In the middle there is a yellow carpet on the floor. On the left there are two green armchairs, and between them there is a black table. Next to an armchair there is a bed. On my bed there are some colorful pillows. In front of the table there are bookcases and shelves with my CDs. On the right there is a balcony. There is also one smaller table with television on it. I really like my room and I spend most of my free time here.