Opis obrazka:
Na obrazku jet 6 dzieci 3 chlopcow i 3 dziewczynki. Na ich twarzach widac zaciekawienie zaistniała sytuacja( to jest zdjecie u fotografa grupowe). Są to dzieci z british in the 19th century, dowiadujemy sie o tym z podpisu na zjeciu. Tłem jest dywan.Dzieci sa ubrane w ciuchy z 19th century.Fotografia jet czarnobiała. Moim zdaniem dzieci robily sobie zdjecie rodzinne.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In the picture I can see three boys and three girls.We can see interest of situation(this is group photo at photografer) on their faces.Children are from british in the 19th century, we knew it from signature under the photo.The background is carpet.The children wears clothes from 19th century.The photo is black-white.In my opinion children was making a family photo.