OPEN TASK Uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Wykorzystaj podany wyraz, nie zmieniając jego formy. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna. Odpowiedzi zapisz w zeszycie. 1 If I were you, I would go on an activity holiday to Spain. SHOULD I think go on an activity holiday to Spain. 2 This is the platform from which your train leaves. MUST This is the platform 32 wait for your train. 3 Is it necessary to fasten the seat belt in a taxi? I VAZ to fasten the seat belt in a taxi? 4 It might be a good idea to go there on foot - it's not far. WE Why there on foot? It's not far. 5 If you are late, we will go on the excursion without you. BE You late, or we will go on the excursion without you. 6 Look - who does this skateboard belong to? IS Look - this? 7 It's not necessary to pay for public transport if you attend a public school here. NOT You to pay for public transport if you attend a public school here. 8 What is the best thing to do if you get lost in a big city abroad? YOU What if you get lost in a big city abroad? Daję naj Zadanie w załączniku
1. I think I should go on an activity holiday to Spain
2. This is the platform where you must wait for your train
3. Do I have to fasten the seatbelt in a taxi?
4. Why don't we go there on foot? It's not far
5. You must not be late, or we will go on the excursion without you
6. Look - whose skateboard is this?
7. You don't have to pay for public transport if you attend a public school here
8. What should you do if you get lost in a big city abroad?