Przebywasz na wymianie studenckiej w usa. mieszkasz w kampusie i dzielisz pokoj z polakiem/ polka. w liscie do kolegi/ kolezanki ze szkocji napisz; - gdzie przebywasz i jak dlugo potrwa Twoj pobyt w tym miejscu, -co studiujesz i gdzie mieszkasz -jak wyglada Twoj wspollokator/ka i jaka jest osoba -dlaczego on/ona jest dla Ciebie kims wyjatkowym i jakie budzi w Tobie odczucia. Bardzo prosze mam na jutro:)
I'm on student exchnage in USA now. I'm living in campus and I'm shearing room with my friend from Scotland. I will be here for six months. I study journalism. My roomate is tall and slim. I think she's pretty. She has brown long hair and blue eyes. She is very nice, friendly , helpful and patient. She is unusual for me because she is very clever and she always helps me! I really like her.
Hi Agatha
I'm on student exchnage in USA now. I'm living in campus and I'm shearing room with my friend from Scotland. I will be here for six months. I study journalism. My roomate is tall and slim. I think she's pretty. She has brown long hair and blue eyes. She is very nice, friendly , helpful and patient. She is unusual for me because she is very clever and she always helps me! I really like her.