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Hey Kyle! As you know I'm spending my vacations in a camp. I met here gret person. Her name is Ania and we met each other during the campfire evening. She is tall blonde girl with blue eyes. She is always smiling, so caring and helpful. I really like her and I'm glad I could met her!
Yours XXX
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W 1 kropki imie kolegi w drugie tą osobe którą poznałeś na dole wybierz jego lub ją Hi ... I'm part of the camp and met a nice person hereis the name ... has black hair is slim, wearing jeans and a red shirt. (on) he - is sensitive to calm nice and caring (ona) she - is sensitive to calm nice and caring and on the jump with your e-mail to see
As you know I'm spending my vacations in a camp. I met here gret person. Her name is Ania and we met each other during the campfire evening. She is tall blonde girl with blue eyes. She is always smiling, so caring and helpful. I really like her and I'm glad I could met her!
na dole wybierz jego lub ją
Hi ... I'm part of the camp and met a nice person hereis the name ...
has black hair is slim, wearing jeans and a red shirt.
(on) he - is sensitive to calm nice and caring
(ona) she - is sensitive to calm nice and caring
and on the jump with your e-mail to see