September 2018 2 26 Report

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I. Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. When do people usually wear traditional clothes? 2. What is the difference between a married and unmarried woman's kimono? 3. How are kilts from old family groups different? 4. What do men wear with agbadas? 5. How are ponchos different from coats? 6. Where are traditional clothes becoming fashionable?Traditional Costumes Nowadays, you can see people with suits and ties or jeans and T-shirts from Los Angeles to Lagos and from Shanghai to Sao Paulo. In most countries, people only dress up in traditional clothes at weddings, festivals or other special occasions.The most important part of traditional Japanese dress is the kimono. Women wear different kimonos for different seasons of the year. Married women wear kimonos with short sleeves aand unmarried women wear them with long sleeves.The Scottish kilt is very famous. There are different patterns and colours for different old family groups or clans. A kilt is like a skirt but it is heavier than a skirt. And remember, women do not wear kilts!The Yoruba people in Nigeria wear traditional clothes with beautiful patterns. Men put on long robes called agbadas over their other clothes. They sometimes wear small round hats with agbadas. Women wear long blouses and colorful skirts or dresses.Some native people of the Andes region of South Africa ( e.g. Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru ) wear traditional clothes. Ponchos are like coats but haven't got sleeves. Ponchos are comfortable and are now popular around the world, especially for women. In many shops, you can try on casual ponchos, formal ponchos, winter ponchos, summer ponchos and rain ponchos!In some countries, traditional clothes are coming back into fashion. In Japan, for example, schools now teach students how to do up kimonos and take them off. Young women sometimes wear them and some taxi drives in Tokyo give a 10% discount to people in kimonos!
zad.1Przekształć podany tekst, zastępując wszystkie powtarzające się wyrazy zaimkami. Wypisz i nazwij te zaimki. Zadbaj o poprawnośc stylistyczną swojego tekstu.Bardzo chciałbym mieć psa. Pies umiliłby mi dłgie oczekiwanie na powrót rodziców z pracy. Nie lubie sam czekać na rodziców. Z czworonogim przyjacielem mógłbym chodzić na długie spacery do parku. W parku jest przepieknie, zwłaszcza wiosną. Wiosną na klombach kwitną kwiaty i śpiewają ptaki......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................zad.2 Uzupełnij zaimkami internetowe listy fanek Enrique Iglesiasa.Enrique, zrobiłam ( ty ) ....................... piękny sweter na drutach. Ewunia.Nasze serca biją tylko dla ( ty ) ................... . Uwielbiamy ( ty ) ................. , Enrique. Iza i Ola.Kocham ( on ) ................... , a nie Ricky Martina. Karolina ze Słupska.Przez ( on ) ................. nie mogę się uczyć. Każcie ( on ) ................. przestać śpiewać. Anka.Proszę o szybkie rozwiązanie.

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