1. What are these cloth bags made of? 2. Was this wood figure carve in Africa? 3. How were these wallets manufacture? 4. What are these stone bowls use for? 5. Are these baskets weave by women? 6. How these fabrics dye? 7. Where were these bowls make? 8. What is this stray make of?
Se completan las siguientes preguntas en los diálogos colocando los verbos en voz pasiva (passive voice):
A: What are these cloth bags made of?
B: They're silk, 100% silk.
A: Was this wood figure carved in Africa?
B: Yes, it was. In Senegal, I believe.
A: How are these wallets manufactured?
B: They're machine-made.
A: Were these stone bowls used for?
B: They were used for serving food.
A: Are these baskets weaved by women?
B: Yes, they are. Women in Kenya.
A: Are these fabrics dyed?
B: It's all done by hand, using dyes made from plants.
A: Where were these bowls made?
B: Those ceramic bowls? Those were made in Cameroon.
A: Which this tray make of?
B: That's wood. The same people make these bowls, too.
¿Cuándo se usa la voz pasiva (passive voice)?
Se utiliza la voz pasiva cuando se quiere dar más importancia al objeto, es decir, a quien recibe la acción que ha realizado el sujeto. Las oraciones en presente simple se formulan en voz pasiva con la siguiente estructura:
Objeto directo + verbo to be + verbo en participio pasado + complemento.
Verbo to be + sujeto + verbo en participio pasado + complemento?
Para ver más oraciones en voz pasiva (passive voice) consulta aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/5376214
1. What are these cloth bags made of? 2. Was this wood figure carve in Africa? 3. How were these wallets manufacture? 4. What are these stone bowls use for? 5. Are these baskets weave by women? 6. How these fabrics dye? 7. Where were these bowls make? 8. What is this stray make of?
Se completan las siguientes preguntas en los diálogos colocando los verbos en voz pasiva (passive voice):
A: What are these cloth bags made of?
B: They're silk, 100% silk.
A: Was this wood figure carved in Africa?
B: Yes, it was. In Senegal, I believe.
A: How are these wallets manufactured?
B: They're machine-made.
A: Were these stone bowls used for?
B: They were used for serving food.
A: Are these baskets weaved by women?
B: Yes, they are. Women in Kenya.
A: Are these fabrics dyed?
B: It's all done by hand, using dyes made from plants.
A: Where were these bowls made?
B: Those ceramic bowls? Those were made in Cameroon.
A: Which this tray make of?
B: That's wood. The same people make these bowls, too.
¿Cuándo se usa la voz pasiva (passive voice)?
Se utiliza la voz pasiva cuando se quiere dar más importancia al objeto, es decir, a quien recibe la acción que ha realizado el sujeto. Las oraciones en presente simple se formulan en voz pasiva con la siguiente estructura:
Objeto directo + verbo to be + verbo en participio pasado + complemento.
Verbo to be + sujeto + verbo en participio pasado + complemento?
Para ver más oraciones en voz pasiva (passive voice) consulta aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/5376214