Odpowiedz w kilku zdaniach na pytania po angielsku . Nie używajac tłumacza google. 1. Have you ever had to go into hospital for a few days?Describe what happened . 2. Have you ever visited a patient in hospital? Talk about your visit. Prosze pomóżcie to pilne.
1 . Yes, once I had to go to the hospital for a few days. I had to do some important research to see if my body does not need any vitamins. 2. Once I visited my aunt in the hospital because she was diagnosed with uterine Rala. It was a serious cancer, incurable. Aunt threatened to death but still on her face appeared a smile, because she hoped it will be better. A few weeks later was transferred to the palliative unit. There's a nurse looking after her. About a month later became one can say a miracle. Aunt recovered!
1 . Yes, once I had to go to the hospital for a few days. I had to do some important research to see if my body does not need any vitamins.
2. Once I visited my aunt in the hospital because she was diagnosed with uterine Rala. It was a serious cancer, incurable. Aunt threatened to death but still on her face appeared a smile, because she hoped it will be better. A few weeks later was transferred to the palliative unit. There's a nurse looking after her. About a month later became one can say a miracle. Aunt recovered!
.Czy kiedykolwiekmiałiść doszpitalana kilka dni?Opisać, co się stało.2.Czy kiedykolwiekodwiedziłpacjenta wszpitalu?Dyskusja na tematwizyty