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How are grandparents differ from parents.
There are a lot of differences between grandparents and parents. Parents are the people who tell us how to live, how to behave. Grandparents could try to do this too, but i'm not sure if we would listen them. Granparents are mostly warmer than our parents. They are olders. We should feel respect for them for it. Parents are always closer us. Grandparents are mostly far away, we go to them for Christmas and Easter. Grandparents could teach us about life, but they aren't similar to our parents.
There are a lot of differences between grandparents and parents. Parents are the people who tell us how to live, how to behave. Grandparents could try to do this too, but i'm not sure if we would listen them. Granparents are mostly warmer than our parents. They are olders. We should feel respect for them for it. Parents are always closer us. Grandparents are mostly far away, we go to them for Christmas and Easter. Grandparents could teach us about life, but they aren't similar to our parents.