Odpowiedz po angielsku na pytania : 1. Jak nazywa się izba brytyjskiego parlamentu ?? 2.Gdzie w Londynie mieszka premier wielkiej Brytanii ?? 3.Z czego słynie Wimbledon ?? 4.Z czego słyną król Henryk VII ? 5.nad jaką rzeką leży Londyn ? 6. Jakie ptaki są związane z The Tower of London ?
1. The British Parliament is composed of two chambers: House of Lords and House of Commons. 2. The Prime Minister of Great Britain lives in London on 10 Downing Street. 3. Wimbledon is famous for Lawn Tennis Tournament championships being held of every summer in Queens Club. It is one of four tennis championships of world renown and only which play is on the grass. 4. King Henry VII became famous for gathering the wealth in the sequence of his life. 5. London is on a river called Thames. 6. Ravens are regarded as birds telling fortune and they are they are associated with The Tower of London.
2. The Prime Minister of Great Britain lives in London on 10 Downing Street.
3. Wimbledon is famous for Lawn Tennis Tournament championships being held of every summer in Queens Club. It is one of four tennis championships of world renown and only which play is on the grass.
4. King Henry VII became famous for gathering the wealth in the sequence of his life.
5. London is on a river called Thames.
6. Ravens are regarded as birds telling fortune and they are they are associated with The Tower of London.