odpowiedz pełnymi zdaniami na pytania ( podajcie swoje dane)
When is your birthday ?
What have you got in your bag ?
What colour are your eyes ?
How many brothers and sisters have got ?
How old are you ?
Have you got long hair ???
PoMoCy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.My birthsday is ...(data twoich urodzin)
2.I have got in my bag pencil case and book
3.My eyes colour is green
4.I have got one sister
5.I'm (twój wiek:)
6.No,I haven't got long hair
When is your birthday ?
My birthday is on 14 mai.
What have you got in your bag ?
In My bag I got pen,pencil,pencil case,Wrokbook,notebook.
What colour are your eyes ?
My eyes is grey.
How many brothers and sisters have got ?
I hawent got any brather and sister.
How old are you ?
I how 13 old.
Have you got long hair ???
Yes,I go long hair.
MAm nadzieję,że pomoglam:)
1. Kiedy są twoje urodziny -25 lipca-twenty-fifth day of July
2.Co masz w swoim plecaku - nożyczki - scissors , ołówek - pencil , piórnik - pencil case , temperówka - pencil sharpener
3.Jakiego koloru masz oczy niebieskie blue
4.Ile masz braci lub sióstr? 1 one
5.ile masz lat ?11 eleven
6.Czy masz długie włosy ? tak - yes
1.My birhday is in .....
2.In my bag are :....
3.I have ..... eyes
4.I have one brothers.
5.I have eleven .
6.I have long hair.
sory , że tak ale nie zauważyłam , że pełnymi . Skapniesz się nie /
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