Odpowiedz na pytanie,co najmniej 2 zdania do każdego punktu. 1. What kinds of food would you never eat? (proszę coś wspomnieć o owocach morza) 2.How do you feel about throwing away food? 3.What is your favourite cousine and why ?
I feel bad because it's going to waste.my parents are sad that I throw food away.
my favourite cousine is twoje ulubione danie.
nigdy nie zjem owocow morza.sa ochydne.
czuje sie zle poniewaz sie marnuje.moi rodzice sa smutni ze wyrzucam jedzenie.
moje ulubione danie to:
mam nadzieje ze pomoglam pozdrowienia
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1. I would never eat any seafood because it just makes me feel disgusted. Seafood contains dead animals from the sea and that makes me think before I eat something like that. I know there are fans of seafood, although I'm not one of them. 2. I don't like throwing away food. When I do that, I feel like I've lost money and I guess nobody likes that feeling.
I will never eat sea food. it's horrible.
I feel bad because it's going to waste.my parents are sad that I throw food away.
my favourite cousine is twoje ulubione danie.
nigdy nie zjem owocow morza.sa ochydne.
czuje sie zle poniewaz sie marnuje.moi rodzice sa smutni ze wyrzucam jedzenie.
moje ulubione danie to:
mam nadzieje ze pomoglam pozdrowienia
2. I don't like throwing away food. When I do that, I feel like I've lost money and I guess nobody likes that feeling.