1 He's engaged in the activity because he, together with his friend Alistair, made a list of things to do before turning 30 and working as an extra on a film set was one of them.
2 Working on a film set was one of Alistair's bizarre fantasies but the narrator wasn't so keen on it. He was overwhelmed with mind-numbing boredom.
3 The main disadvantage of being an extra is hanging around for hours on end, waiting to be called for a scene.
4 The only pleasurable part of the day was the lunch break with its extraordinary food.
5 He was exhausted but relieved that he could finally strike working as an extra off the list.
1 He's engaged in the activity because he, together with his friend Alistair, made a list of things to do before turning 30 and working as an extra on a film set was one of them.
2 Working on a film set was one of Alistair's bizarre fantasies but the narrator wasn't so keen on it. He was overwhelmed with mind-numbing boredom.
3 The main disadvantage of being an extra is hanging around for hours on end, waiting to be called for a scene.
4 The only pleasurable part of the day was the lunch break with its extraordinary food.
5 He was exhausted but relieved that he could finally strike working as an extra off the list.