Odpowiedz na pytania w 3-5 zdaniach.
1. Do you think the food the boy ts getting is good for him?
2. Where do you usually have lunch? What do you have?
3. Tell me about a meal you enjoyed.
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to zależy co ten Twój chłopiec je. Załóżmy, że fast foody.
1. I think that junk food is not really the best for his health. It can make him be overweight. What is more when he would be eating just a fast food with many carbohydrates that doesn't provide energy, just fat.
2. I usually eat luch at school. I am eating meanly sandwiches with cheese and ham and of course some friuts for example an apple. Sometimes I buy some sweets in a thuck shop.
3. I like eating pizza. It is the best dish ever especially when there is a lot of fish and mashrooms. I love eating it with a garlic sauce.