Odpowiedz na pytania po angielsku: 1> Po co ludziom internet? 2> bez jakiego urzadzenia alektrycznego nie mógłbyś życ ?
People need internet for comunicating with each other,to searching informations, we can also find a job by an Internet and we use it for entertainment. I couldnt live without my smartfon - this is a very important thing for me because i can communicate with people, listen to my favourite songs, watching films, take pictures of my friends and do many other things, telephone is a good measure of navigation.
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People use the Net to stay in touch with friends, do their homework and find information. i couldn't live without my phone
I couldnt live without my smartfon - this is a very important thing for me because i can communicate with people, listen to my favourite songs, watching films, take pictures of my friends and do many other things, telephone is a good measure of navigation.
i couldn't live without my phone