Odpowiedz na proste pytania o filmie (ale podaj też tytuł tego filmu), ewentualnie ksiązki ;)
What did you think of the film(or book)? Where and when is it set? What was the best bit? What was the most exciting scene? What was the saddest or funniest bit? Was there anything you didin't like? How did you find the film overall?
Miałam takie samo zadanie ;p Pisałam o serialu "Plotkara" - "Gossipgirl"
What did you think of the film? - It was really great. Where and when is it set? - It's set in New York in 21st century. What was the best bit? - I loved the scene when Nate went out with Serena. What was the most exciting scene? - It was the most exciting when Nate betrayed Blair. What was the saddest or funniest bit? - It was so sad when Chuck's father died. Was there anything you didin't like? - No, it wasn't. How did you find the film overall? - I found the film exciting and intriguing.
I chyba nie napisałaś jednego pytania: What did you think of the plot? - I found the plot a bit complicated.
What did you think of the film?
- It was really great.
Where and when is it set?
- It's set in New York in 21st century.
What was the best bit?
- I loved the scene when Nate went out with Serena.
What was the most exciting scene?
- It was the most exciting when Nate betrayed Blair.
What was the saddest or funniest bit?
- It was so sad when Chuck's father died.
Was there anything you didin't like?
- No, it wasn't.
How did you find the film overall?
- I found the film exciting and intriguing.
I chyba nie napisałaś jednego pytania: What did you think of the plot? - I found the plot a bit complicated.
Mam nadzieję, że wszystko jest ok.