Odpowiedz na poniższe pytania, w pytaniu drugim rozwiń podane punkty :) w każdym pytanku tak po 3, 4 zdanka z góry dziękuję: :)
1. What does social advertising mean?
2. Give some examples of advertising compaigns for social causes?
-anti-smoking campaign
-campaign promoting healthy lifestyles and good eating habbits
-campaign against discrimination of the disabled
3. Are such campaigns effective?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Social advertising is a special form comes from not-for-profit organisations. They are not interested in making people buy their products, but promoting good health. There are a lot of such organisations in our world, for example:
Campaign promoting healthy lifestyle and good eating habits. We are what we eat and I think that everyone want to be fit.
Campaign for taking part in charity actions. Everyone can help people in need.
Campaign against drinking and driving. It`s directed to irresponsible and unaware of danger drivers.
Campaign promoting reading for children. It has a good influence for the development of a child.
Campaign against discrimination of the disabled.
Personally, I think that all of these organisatuons have influence on us, but it depend on us it we want to change our life or not.