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Star Wars
The plain, brow colak that Sir Alec Guinness wore when he played the character Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Star Wars films is part of a collection of film and television costumes that will be sold. Alec Gusiness died in 2000. His cloak disappered thirty years ago and was then used in other films. It was even used by people going to fancy dress parties. Experts think it will be sold for Ł 40,000.
1. Who played Obi-Wan Kenobi?
2. What did He wear?
3. Is it a theatre costume?
4. When did Guiness die?
5. How much will it be sold?
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1. Who played Obi-Wan Kenobi?
ODP. The figure ofObi-WanKenobi,playedAlecGusiness
Postać Obi-Wan Kenobi zagrał Alec Gusiness
2. What did He wear?
ODP. He worea coat, whodisappeared30 years ago.
On ubierał płaszcz, który zniknął 30 lat temu.
3. Is it a theatre costume?
ODP. Yes, becauseit ispart ofthe collectionof costumesfilmand television,whichwill besold
Tak, ponieważ jest częścią kolekcji kostiumów filmowych i telewizyjnych, które będą sprzedawane.
4. When did Guiness die? ( Pytanie powinno być takie: Whe Guiness died? )
ODP. Alec Gusiness died in 2000
Alec Gusiness zmarł w 2000 roku.
5.How much will it be sold?
ODP. Expertssayit will besoldforŁ40.000
Eksperci twierdzą, że będzie to sprzedawane za Ł 40.000.