Od niedawna masz nowe hobby. W e-mailu do znajomego z Anglii napisz, że:
-nowe hobby daje ci dużo satysfakcji
-poznałeś dzięki niemu nowych znajomych
-wybierasz się na przyjęcie, na które zaprosiła cię jedna z tych osób
50słów minimum. Moim hobby jest Hokej i gram w Hockey Club Poznań :)
Z góry dziękuje i prosiłbym jak najszybciej jest mi to strasznie potrzebne na jutro.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I'm sorry that I haven't been written for so long. What's up?
I'm writing because I want to share with you something. Recently I've realised that I really enjoy playing hockey. My friend showed me this game two months ago and I started to play it at once. It gives me much satisfaction. What's more, I made there many new friends who share my interests. Sometimes we go out together to the cinema or club. And the last but not the least-I have an invitation from Anne, who also plays hockey with us! She's having a big party next week. There will be many people I don't know yet and I hope I'll have lot of fun there. Well, that's all for now. I'm waiting for your respond.