Od kilku dni mieszkasz w spokojnej dzielnicy na przedmieściu Exeter. Z z lokalnej prasy dowiadujesz się o planach budowy autostrady tuż obok centrum sportowego w Twojej dzielnicy. Napisz list do rady miejskiej wyrażając protest przeciwko budowie autostrady. *powołuj się na artykuł prasowy podając jego tytuł oraz datę *poinformuj ze piszesz w imieniu wszystkich mieszkańców którzy są przeciwko takim planom. *napisz o zagrożeniu hałasem i zanieczyszczeniach powietrza w miejscu przeznaczonym do uprawiania sportu. *zaproponuj inną lokalizację tego odcinka autostrady i podkreśl jakie zalety będzie miało to rozwiązanie.
I and others neighborhood intend to express protest against built motorway,to quote a article which appear in Daily News on 13 March 2010. I write for our neighborhood which want to appeal with my to stop bulit. If you finished it our life change for ever. We'll all time hear extremly loud noise and pollution could cause that we couldn't play in nearby sport field. If you built this motorway near road 11 we could save up a lot of money, becouse 20 years ago was there main road but it was damage by wrong surface which instantly ruin. I think it'll be a better place becouse there aren't live people and a pollution could be fewer.
I and others neighborhood intend to express protest against built motorway,to quote a article which appear in Daily News on 13 March 2010. I write for our neighborhood which want to appeal with my to stop bulit. If you finished it our life change for ever. We'll all time hear extremly loud noise and pollution could cause that we couldn't play in nearby sport field. If you built this motorway near road 11 we could save up a lot of money, becouse 20 years ago was there main road but it was damage by wrong surface which instantly ruin. I think it'll be a better place becouse there aren't live people and a pollution could be fewer.
Yours faithfully neighborhood