September 2019 0 23 Report

Oblicz szybkość fali o długosci 30 cm i okresie 0,5 s. Jak zmieni się ta prędkosć jeżeli okres drgań fali wzrosnie 4- krotnie?

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1.Complete the definitions with nounstracksuit (n) a set of clothes designed fordoing sport, made up of a top and pants1.....(n) a small group of people whospend time together and don’t let others jointhem2......(n) an organised group of peoplewho all like a certain team or famous person3.......(plural n) sports shoes often worncasually4.......(n) jewellery which you wear onyour wrist5......(n) someone whose behaviour,ideas, etc. people try to copy because theywant to be like them6......(n) a part of a town or city2. Choose the best alternatives to complete the fashionreport.1Starting from the top: Geo is looking goodin a1 . He is wearing a 2 top with a 3and4 trousers. To complete this fantasticlook, he has a5 chain around his neck.2Now we have Frankie in a 6 skirt and a 7leather jacket. She is also wearing8 socksand trainers. She hasvery 1960s make upwith heavy9 and mascara.3Here’s Natasha in 10 jeans with afashionable11 on the knee and with a blackleather12 . Her 13 boots are also veryfashionable. She’s also wearing a14 T-shirt.Unfortunately, I’m not so sure about those15earrings she’s wearing – they look cheapand nasty1 abracelet b fashion c baseball cap2 afashionable b ripped c silk3 abelt b hood c patch4 aleather b short c baggy5 asilk b nylon c gold6 ajeans b combat c denim7 atrendy blackbblack fashionablecbright black8 abaggy woollenbwoollen redcstriped woollen9 atop b earrings c eyeliner10 aleather beige b ripped c baggy11 achain b logo c patch12 abracelet b hood c belt13 along b short c cropped14 acotton lightbtrendy cottonchorrible white15 abig round b drop c fashionable gold

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