September 2018 1 23 Report
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1. Match statements 1–7 to town descriptions A–E. There are two extra statements that you donot need.1) The town is much smaller than it used to be.2) Many people who live there work somewhere else.3) A historical event took place in this town.4) The town has more money than most towns in Britain.5) The town has been compared to a different city in another country.6)The town is an expensive place to live.7) The town is an important educational centre2. Read the article again. Are the statements true(T) orfalse(F)?1) In the early 20th century, the population of Swindon was about 14,000. 2) A historic train journey started in Darlington.3) Northampton is not the centre of England’s shoe industry anymore.4) The Luddites stopped Huddersfield from becoming an industrial town.5) Newport is not an industrial town now. A tale of five citieshow the end of old industries doesn’t need to be a disasterSome towns and cities in Britain have never recovered from the end of the industrial revolution. Others are doing surprisingly well. Here are a few success stories..A) SwindonSwindon was a small town until 1848 when canals and railways brought jobs to the area. The biggest employer was the railway, and in the early 20th century over 14,000 people worked building trains and tracks. When the factories closed down in the 1950s and 1960s the city decided to attract new industries. It has done this very well and now Swindon is one of the richest towns in England and home to Honda, Motorola and many other big companies. Swindon also switched off its speed cameras in 2009, the first town in Britain to do this.B) DarlingtonDarlington is a medium-sized town in the north-east of Britain. It is best known as the place where, in 1825, the first ever passenger train journey finished. Railway engineering was its main industry until the middle of the 20th century. Now there is little industry in the town but it has become a major shopping centre for the area and, as it is the closest town to the beautiful North Yorkshire moors, it also has a small tourist industry.C) NorthamptonNorthampton became an important town in the 19th century when the canals and railways linked it to London and Birmingham. It then became the centre of the country’s shoe industry until the middle of the last century when the industry became smaller. In 1968 it became a ‘new town,’ meaning that lots of families moved to Northampton when their homes in London were destroyed. It is now a commuter town. Many people who work in London or Birmingham live here because it is less than an hour to both cities by train and house prices are much lower.D) HuddersfieldHuddersfield is well-known as the birthplace of the Luddite movement in the early days of the Industrial Revolution. The Luddites hated change and destroyed factories in many industrial centres. Huddersfield, though, became an important industrial town. It still is important, and, as well as traditional industries, it has technology, electronics and chemical factories. The biggest employer, however, is the local university which has a very good reputation.E) NewportNewport, in South Wales, was a major industrial area in the 19th century. It was so important that, in the 1850s, it was bigger even than Cardiff, the Welsh capital. Newer industries replaced the old ones, and when these finished, even more modern technology took over. The area is also famous for its music and, in the 1990s, some people called it ‘the Seattle of Britain’ because both Newport and the city of Seattle in the USA were home to many indie rock bands at that time.COMMUNiCATiON1 Complete the conversation with sentences A–H. There are two extra sentences that you do not need.A) Can I take a message?B) Of course. I’ll tell her.C) Goodbye.D) Hello, Bognor 863883.E) Can I help you?F) I’ll ring back later.G) Sorry? Did you say Adrian?H) I’m sorry, she’s not here at the moment.A) Hello, Bognor 863883.B) Hello. Could I speak to Mary, please.A) 1______________________________B) Do you know what time she’ll be back?A) About 8 o’clock, I think. 2_______________B) Yes, please. Could you tell her that Adrian rang?A) 3______________________________B) That’s right. Could you ask her to ring me back?A) 4______________________________B) Thank you very much. Goodbye.A) 5_________________________
1. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.You can see the first letter of each word. (4points) Finish your work and then save the changes.1. Most people d________ music from the Internet now. They don’t often buy CDs.2. You can’t send your email because there’s no Internet c_________.3. I put this gadget on my shoes when I go running and it shows me my speed in kilometresp________ hour.4. Just press the ‘on’ b_________ and it will start.5. I want to m_________ my room to see how wide it is. 6. This p________ DVD player is small but I don’t think I can carry it round in my trousers!7. I don’t buy a newspaper, I read it o________. The website’s really good.8. My phone isn’t very modern or special. It’s just an o_________ mobile phone. It hasn’t even got a camera. 2. Choose the correct word.(3points)Put the disk in / on / to here and wait for it to start.1. I’ll read your work, but print it up / on / out first because it’s easier to read it on paper.2. How do you take / put / turn off a computer?3. It’s easy to keep to / on / in touch by email.4. You can find off / out / up information about every subject on the Internet.5. Can you wear / put / take on your headphones? I want to watch television and your music is too loud.6. You have to click off / up / on that icon to use the Internet.3. Read the text about new gadget sand then complete the sentences. London Computer Fair Report Computer fans and inventors from all over the world are in London this week at the annual Computer Fair. We are here too and we looked at some new gadgets. Read our report to find out which we liked the most:•Thesmallest (small) phone is Xcon2. It is just 3 cm long!•The new Azura phone is really great! It is 1) _________ (heavy) than the Maxon, but looks much 2) ________ (good).• 3) ________ (bad) laptop is the CRS340; it is heavy, has a small memory and is 4) ________ (expensive) of all the laptops.•We really liked the new Focus camera – it is a bit 5)________ (big) than the Sonic, but it takes great pictures and is 6) ________ (cheap) of all the cameras.4. Complete the dialogue with questions, negative sentences and short answers. Use the words in brackets.(7points)A. Here are some questions for you. When did Alexander Fleming invent (When/Alexander Fleming/invent) the electric lamp?B. 1) __________ (He not/invent) the electric lamp. He discovered penicillin. A. Oh, really? Well, try this. 2) __________ (Marie Curie/write) Romeo and Juliet?B. No, she 3) __________.A. The answer here says ‘Yes’.B. Oh, come on! 4) __________ (Where/you/buy) that book of questions? A. I 5)__________ (not/buy) a book. I got these questions from the Internet last night. My friends told me about this website. B. 6) __________ (they/tell) you that the answers are wrong?A. 7) __________ (They/not say) anything about the answers. They just told me that the questions were interesting.5. Complete the words. The lines show you how many letters you need touse. (5points)Wow! When you start buying things on the Internet, it’s difficult to stop! Last year, my dad bought a di g ita l camera. A few weeks later, he decided to get a new 1) _o_ _ computer. That was easy, so he bought a 2) _ o _ _ l _ of electric gadgets that looked good but which he never used. He then bought new 3) _ _ t _ _ r _ _ _ for every electric gadget in the house, because ‘the electricity might go off one day’. He even bought a 4) _ _ m _ Boy because it looked fun and it had cool games. At Christmas, he got a 5) _ _ s _ _ _ s _ e _ for mum to help her with the washing up!
1. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word. (4points) You can open lots of windows on the computer at the same time.1.You can u________ your photos to your website for everyone to see.2.Does your car use a lot of p_______? Mine does about 10 kilometres for one litre.3.These films look great now that we can watch them on this big s________. 4.My camera doesn’t work. I need to buy a new b_________ for it.5.Do you want to buy a laptop? It’s in very good c________.6.Phil sent me a great email. It was very funny. I l_________ a lot when I read it.7.My friend always has great ideas for new gadgets. He’s a g________ . He knows everything and can make anything!8.My grandfather was an i__________ but he didn’t make any money because none of his ideas were any good. 2 Choose the correct word.(3points)Don’t take the disk off / out / away of the computer while you are working on it.1.I keep to / on / in touch with old friends on this great website.2.Put / Take / Get on your headphones and listen to this great song.3.Which icon do I have to click on / up / off ?4.I have to print up / on / out my homework to give it to my teacher.5.How do I take / put / turn this computer on?6.Could you find off / out / up the price of laptops on the Internet for me, please?3. Read the text about new gadgets and then complete the sentences.(6points)Computer fans and inventors from all over the world are in London this week at the annual Computer Fair. We are here too and we looked at some new gadgets. Read our report to find out which we liked the most:•The new ConneXt phone is a bit disappointing. It is smaller (small) than the old phone, but the old phone looked 1) ________ (nice). The ConneXt is 2) _________ (expensive) new phone here. Don’t buy it.• 3) ________ (good) laptop is the AP140S; it is light, has a big memory and is 4) ________ (cheap) of all the laptops.•We really liked the new Jet One camera – it is 5) ________ (big) than the Look Thru, and it is a bit 6) _________ (heavy), too but it’s easy to carry and takes great pictures4 Complete the dialogue with questions, negative sentences and short answers. Use the words in brackets.(7points)A. Here’s a question for you. When did Captain Cook discover (When/Captain Cook/discover) America?B.He 1) _________ (not/discover) America. Columbus discovered America in 1492. A. Really? 2) _____________ (I/not know) that. B. Everybody knows about Columbus. 3) __________ (you/pass) your history exam last year? A. Yes, I 4) _________ but 5) _____________ (we/not study) Columbus.B. Oh, come on! Who was your teacher?A. Mr Collins.B. 6) ______________ (What grade/he/give) you at the end of the year?A. B+. 7) ____________ (He/not/give) anyone an A.B. Well, he never does.5. Complete the words. The lines show you how many letters you need to use.(5points)I’m not very good with computers. I know where the on button is and that’s it. In fact, I’m not very good with anything modern. I’ve got a 1) _ _ g _ t _ _ camera but I don’t know all the things it can do. When I watch television, I always do something wrong with the 2) _ _ m _ _ _ control and the picture goes off. It’s the same in the kitchen. We’ve got a 3) _ _ c _ _ w _ _ _ oven but I never use it because I’m too scared. I always do the washing up in the sink, too, because I don’t know how to use the 4) _ _ s _ w _ _ _ e _. Don’t even ask me about my phone! It’s got things like 5) _ _ _ c _ m _ i _ which I never use because I don’t know what it is!

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