Npisz odpowiedź w krótkiej notatce na zaproszenie od kolegi na sprzątanie plaży. nie zapomniej spytać się o datę, czas i miejsce, oraz o potrzebne tobie rzeczy. PROSZĘ POMOOOOOOOOOCY to ma być krótkie od 45 do 50 słówek. proooooszę proszę, proszę ! ;*
Mark, thank you very much for your invite. I am really interesting this meeting. Please , send me some information about place and time this beach's tiding. Could you tell, what must I bring there? I never take part in this meetings. I am waiting for messege from you. xyz
thank you very much for your invite. I am really interesting this meeting. Please , send me some information about place and time this beach's tiding. Could you tell, what must I bring there? I never take part in this meetings. I am waiting for messege from you.