Napisz list po angielsku do swojego kolegi/koleżanki w którym: •napiszesz o tym że poznałeś nową koleżankę/nowego kolegę, opiszesz jak doszło do tego spotkania oraz opiszesz pierwsze wrażenia na jej temat •opisz jej charakter •napiszesz wspólne zainteresowania (twoje oraz osoby o której piszesz) •zaproponujesz wspólne spotkanie (Ty, osoba z która piszesz oraz osoba do której piszesz)
Recently I met my nwe friend Katie. We met up at the birthday party. She asked me how my name and taht's how it was. She's very pretty and looks friendly. I found out that we have a lot in common wtih each other. Both like drawing, sing. Coaching swimming, often goes to the cinema. Read the same books as me and listens to the same music! I wish u knew her, maybe u want to met up in next saturday on our side? It would be amazing!
Recently I met my nwe friend Katie. We met up at the birthday party. She asked me how my name and taht's how it was. She's very pretty and looks friendly. I found out that we have a lot in common wtih each other. Both like drawing, sing. Coaching swimming, often goes to the cinema. Read the same books as me and listens to the same music!
I wish u knew her, maybe u want to met up in next saturday on our side? It would be amazing!
Best wishes