Now, please write down the statements based on the table in the previous page! first, copy the examples. Perbedaan antara kamu dengan zookeeper!(10 perbendaan) example : 1. I take a bath everyday,so does the zookeeper. 2. I watch a TV everyday, but the zookeeper doesn't
3. I Studying every monday till Saturday, but the zookeeper doesn't 4. I play with my friend everyday, but the zookeeper doesn't 5. I play a game everyday, but the zookeeper doesn't 6. I've dinner everyday, but the zookeeper doesn't 7. I buy food in mall every sunday with my parents, but the zookeeper doesn't 8. I wait for my bus school every morning, but the zookeeper doesn't 9. I look a beautiful rainbow every evening, but the zookeeper doesn't 10. I eat an egg everyday, so does the zookeeper
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koreksi y kak. no 3. i study every monday to saturday, but ...
no 6, la mosok zookeeper g makan malam tho kak?
no 9. pelangi kok evening kak? afternoon..zookeeper bs liat pelangi setiap saat kak..kita tdk krn kita di sekolah..