Napisz e-mail do swojego przyjaciela,który mieszka za granicą .W e-mailu: * zapytaj,co u niego słychać, * opisz osobę,którą niedawno poznałeś * poproś go o radę-idziesz do kina z nowym kolegą/nową koleżanką i nie wiesz,jaki film wybrać (Długość e-maila powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów.)
Hello Ann, How are you doing ? What about school? Sorry that I haven't written to you but I was very busy. I have met really handsome guy recently and we started dating. He is very sensitive, honest and intelligent ! I saw him during my friend's birthday party and fell in love. Next Monday, we are going to the local cinema, but I don't know what kind of film should I choose. Something like romantic comedy, comedy or any other kind? What do you think ? I am not keen on films. Can you help me ?
How are you doing ? What about school? Sorry that I haven't written to you but I was very busy. I have met really handsome guy recently and we started dating. He is very sensitive, honest and intelligent ! I saw him during my friend's birthday party and fell in love.
Next Monday, we are going to the local cinema, but I don't know what kind of film should I choose. Something like romantic comedy, comedy or any other kind? What do you think ? I am not keen on films. Can you help me ?