October 2018 1 48 Report

Zadanie 1

Gdzie można kupić produkty przedstawione na zdjęciach

stationer's, toy shop , butcher's, electrical shop, chemist's, jeweller's, bookshop, fishmonger's, grengrocer's. to sklepy :P

No i produkty




4.Minced meat



7.Teddy bear



Zadanie 2

Przeczytaj wypowiedzi różnych osób. Napisz, gdzie te osoby powinny się udać

Dry cleaner's, hairdresser's, photographer's, post office, car wash, petrol station, cash machine.

No i zdania

1."My car is very dirty".

2."I need some cash"

3."I want a new hairstyle"

4."I need to send this letter to Italy"

5."We need to fill up the car before the trip"

6."We need someone to take pictures of our wedding"

7."I've got a stain on my coat"

Zadanie 3

Wstaw: cashier, fitting room, checkout, trolley, produce, salessperon, second-hand, selection

No to zdania

1.Where is the .....................................?I would like to the on these trousers.

2.The new supermarket sells organic ...........................

3.Sarah saves money by buying her clothes from ............................shops.

4.The ...................................... gave us information about the laptop we were interested in .

5.You don't need to carry the food.Let's use a ................ .

6.The .......................... asked if I wanted to pay in cash or with a credit card.

7. The music shop has a large .................................. of CDs and records.

8.There was a long queue of people waiting to pay at the ........................ .

Zadanie 4

Wybierz właściewe słowo.

1. How much does this book cost/price?

2.We bought a lot of clothes at finance/discount prices.

3.I used my credit/cheque card to purchase the TV.

4.Ben asked me to lend/borrow him money to buy the shoes.

5.The cashier didn't give me back the correct amount a change/difference.

6.You can return an item within 14 days for a full reducion/refund.

7.All of the leather handbags are at half-price/sale.

8.I don't have any loose money/change; only a $59 coin/note.

Zadanie 5

Połącz wyrazy tak, aby utworzyć kolokacje.











Zadanie 6

Dopasuj napisy do następujących sklepów: Butcher's, Sports shop, travel agent's, clothes shop, electrical shop, furniture shop.

Napis numer 1. Only the finest british beef

Napis numer 2. Please do not sit on chairs or sofas

Napis numer 3. Whatever your game we've got the Equipment

Napis numer 4. Special deals on all european flights

Napis numer 5. All flatcreen TVs half price!

Napis numer 6. Fitting room at back of shop

Zadanie 7

Zakreśl wyraz który nie pasuje do pozostałych

1. Electrical shop: laptop flatscreen tv ring mp3 player

2.Florist's : tulips aubergines carnations roses

3.Sports shop ball bat trainers necklace

4.Stationer's: pen notebook laptop envelope

5.Confectioner's: lollipops salmon box of chocolates chocolate bars.

6.Newsagent's: magazines sweets aspirin newspapers.

Z góry dziękuję i dam naj za bardzo dobrze rozwiązane zadanie .


PS: Jeżeli osoba która robi to bezmyślnie z google będzie chciała zrobić owe zadania to niech liczy na sprawdzenie wszystkich zadań które zrobiła oraz niech liczy na to iż wszystkie zadania które są z internetu zostaną zgłoszone . :) To tylko takie ostrzeżenie przed nabijaczami punktów jeszcze raz życzę powodzenia :)

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