No to tak : Mam napisać o Wielkiej Brytanii prace Oczywiście po angielsku . Możecie pisać po polsku ! To ma być praca opisująca Wielką Brytanie ! Tam mają być szczegóły ! Możecie mi zrobić w " Microsoft Word' . Ja dam wam emaila jak napiszecie wiadomość (do mnie) . A w odpowiedzi dacie np. "Wielka Brytania" i na 1000000000% Będziecie mieli najlepszą odpowiedz . No to czekam na prace ! Pomóżcie proszę ; ) Aaa i jak się komuś chce może napisać po angielsku ; ) oczywiście w odp. też możecie mi to zrobić ; )
Great Britain - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland unitary island state located in Western Europe. They are included in Great Britain: England, Wales and Scotland put on an island Great Britain, Northern Ireland being in the north part of the island Ireland. The Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man, have the separate status dependencji of British Crown and aren't included in a United Kingdom. God Save the Queen - English patriotic song. Flag of Great Britain (called Union Jack) – blue with the red św Cross. of Jerzy (of patron of England) Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy with the responsible government before the parliament. London is a capital city of the state. The II Queen Elizabeth which ascended the throne is a present British monarch in 1952 and was crowned in 1953.
God Save the Queen - English patriotic song.
Flag of Great Britain (called Union Jack) – blue with the red św Cross. of Jerzy (of patron of England)
Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy with the responsible government before the parliament. London is a capital city of the state. The II Queen Elizabeth which ascended the throne is a present British monarch in 1952 and was crowned in 1953.