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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Tommy,
How are you? I hope you're fine. Last week I have opportunity to meet the whole family. All the generations came.
My grandfather had a birthday. It was pretty fun. We all talk a lot. He has turned 80, but he looks younger. I was really suprised when I found out about it.
We all met at the best restaurant in the city. My grandfather invited the whole family! About 50 people came. It was big party.
I think the most interestin thing is that my aunt started to give a birht! Can you imagine?! Everybody started to panic. My aunt was calming them down. Ambulance arrived very quickly. Uncle went with her. The rest of the family stayed in restaurant. Party ended at 9 p.m.
I came back home by car. I felt really tired but it was worth it.
What about you? Write back soon.
Love, (twoje imie).