Nikt nie może ograniczać twojej wolności krzycz głośno,choćby chcieli cie uciszyć nikt nie może cie zatrzymać jeśli masz wiarę nie zostawaj ze swoim imieniem napisanym na ścianie
nie przestawaj nie nie przestawaj nigdy marzyc nie przestawaj nie nie przestawaj nigdy marzyc nie boj się latać przeżyj swoje życie jeszcze raz
nie buduj murów w twoim sercu to co robisz rób z miłością ustaw skrzydła pod wiatr nie ma nic do stracenia nie zostawaj ze swoim imieniem napisanym na ścianie
nie przestawaj nie
Jeśli krytykują twoje myśli miej odwagę podnieść głos,walcz odważnie nie przestawaj wierzyć nie zostawaj ze swoim imieniem napisanym na ścianie
przetłumaczcie na język angielski
Don't stop nobody can reduce your freedom scream loud, even if they wanted cie to hush up nobody can cie to stop if you have faith don't stay with your name written on the wall don't stop not not never stop marzyc don't stop not not never stop marzyc not a fear oneself to fly go your life through one more time don't build walls in your heart do what you are doing with the love of acts of the wing against the wind doesn't have nothing to lose stay with your name written on the wall don't stop not if are criticizing your thoughts have courage to raise its voice, fight courageously don't stop believing don't stay with your name written on the wall
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Do not ever stop never dream Do not be afraid to fly enjoy the your life again
not build walls in your heart what do you do with love Set the wing into the wind there is nothing to lose Do not stay with your name written on the wall
do not ever stop do not
If you criticize the courage to keep your thoughts raise one's voice, fight bravely do not ever stop believing Do not stay with his name written on the wall
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Don't ever stop never dream Don't be afraid to fly Enjoy the your life again
Not build walls in your heart What do you do with love Set the wing into the wind There is nothing to lose Don't stay with your name Written on the wall
Don't ever stop do not
If you criticize the courage to keep your thoughts raise one's voice, fight bravely do not ever stop believing Do not stay with his name written on the wall
używałam do tego mojego słownik do j.Angielskiego wieć powinno być dobrze ^^
Do not be afraid to fly
enjoy the your life again
not build walls in your heart
what do you do with love
Set the wing into the wind
there is nothing to lose
Do not stay with your name
written on the wall
do not ever stop do not
If you criticize the courage to keep your thoughts
raise one's voice, fight bravely do not ever stop believing
Do not stay with his name written on the wall
Don't be afraid to fly
Enjoy the your life again
Not build walls in your heart
What do you do with love
Set the wing into the wind
There is nothing to lose
Don't stay with your name
Written on the wall
Don't ever stop do not
If you criticize the courage to keep your thoughts
raise one's voice, fight bravely do not ever stop believing
Do not stay with his name written on the wall
używałam do tego mojego słownik do j.Angielskiego wieć powinno być dobrze ^^