W czasie wakacji w USA starasz się o pracę na podstawie ogłoszenia na stronie internetowej. Napisz list-podanie o pracę do potencjalnego pracodawcy. -Określ o jaką pracę się ubiegasz i skąd o niej wiesz -Opisz swoje doświadczenie i sukcesy w pracy podobnego typu -Podaj przynajmniej dwie cechy, które sprawiają ze dobrze nadajesz się do tej pracy -Określ swoją znajomość angielskiego i podkreśl umiejętność praktycznego posługiwania się tym językiem.
Pamiętaj o zachowaniu formy i stylu listu. Nie umieszczaj żadnych adresów.Podpisz się np. jako mr.john . Długość listu co najmniej 160 słów
Bez błędów proszę , i nie z translatora bo jak ktoś żywcem z translatora przepisze to na pewno będzie dużo błędów.I proszę na poziomie liceum/technikum/ Nie na poziomie studiów
I'am writing in response to your advertisement, which I found on the your website. I apply for a job as a .. (jaka praca? może tłumacza w sądzie) to the position of an interpreter in court, which you are offering.
I had been working in court in Poland before I moved to United States. I speak fluently in three languages German, Russian and English. I have a certificate of completion high language shool. I completed the course German and Russian interpreter.
I think that I am a very good person for this position. I am responsible, hard-working and I good deal with stress and solving difficult problems.
I speak very good in English and I can practically use this language. I have a certificate in advanced use the English language.
I hope that my qualifications will be prove attractive. I would be delighted when you will invite me to interview.
With letter of application I enclose my CV and copy my all certificates. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
I'am writing in response to your advertisement, which I found on the your website. I apply for a job as a .. (jaka praca? może tłumacza w sądzie) to the position of an interpreter in court, which you are offering.
I had been working in court in Poland before I moved to United States.
I speak fluently in three languages German, Russian and English. I have a certificate of completion high language shool. I completed the course German and Russian interpreter.
I think that I am a very good person for this position. I am responsible, hard-working and I good deal with stress and solving difficult problems.
I speak very good in English and I can practically use this language.
I have a certificate in advanced use the English language.
I hope that my qualifications will be prove attractive. I would be delighted when you will invite me to interview.
With letter of application I enclose my CV and copy my all certificates.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
Mr. John