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Dear friend!
I'm writing to you to share my unforgetful event with you. I am delighted to write about it, becouse it means a lot to me. Ok, let's start from the beggining of my story. I was participated at the festive event of twentieth anniversary of my parent's marriage. The celebretion was made two weeks ago during the weekend. Before this event I had to help my family with making preparations for this. I still recall that I was making invitations card for our guests, that was so funny and awesome.
During the celebration something happaned that I really want to tell you. I didn't know what brought about this accident but in a while everything was clear. Two guests wanted to fight each other. They were throw out immadiately by other smart and intelligent guests.
The anniversary celebrations was great and fantastic for me, for our geusts and surely for my parents. I was glad that my parents were happy.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. C . u .
Best wishes