- Do you think smokers shoould pay higher health insurance ?
No they are same ppl as me but they have problems with stress
` Why do people start smoking ?
Stres in school work
` What are the dangers associated with using the internet ?
You can meet some ppl wo are total idiots and they will try to punish you
` what can individual do to help poor people
Help them to find work
why are some forms of culture considered to be better than others ?
It's all about times and place where you live for eample if you are from from Pakistan you would like to have many wives or prey every hour but when you are from Europe you wuld like to be rich as hell or be famous
`Do you think paper books will one day be completely replaced by ebooks Why/why not?
Ebook in every toilet sounds futuristic but it's near future .Trees are not expensive but they are makeing oxygen so they are important maybe books are not most efficient way to use wood but wood from every tree is important for every human.
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- Do you think smokers shoould pay higher health insurance ?
No they are same ppl as me but they have problems with stress
` Why do people start smoking ?
Stres in school work
` What are the dangers associated with using the internet ?
You can meet some ppl wo are total idiots and they will try to punish you
` what can individual do to help poor people
Help them to find work
why are some forms of culture considered to be better than others ?
It's all about times and place where you live for eample if you are from from Pakistan you would like to have many wives or prey every hour but when you are from Europe you wuld like to be rich as hell or be famous
`Do you think paper books will one day be completely replaced by ebooks Why/why not?
Ebook in every toilet sounds futuristic but it's near future .Trees are not expensive but they are makeing oxygen so they are important maybe books are not most efficient way to use wood but wood from every tree is important for every human.
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