Wkrotce wprowadzisz sie do miszkania wynajetego wspolniez kolega/kolezanka. Chcesz uzgodnic z nim/nia ponizsze 4 kwestie . Rozmowe zaczynasz Ty : -potrzebne wyposazenie -organizacja przeprowadzki -podzial obowiazkow domowych -jak uczcic pierwszy dzien w nowym mieszkaniu
Well, we are moving into our new flat soon, so I think we have to discuss some things. First of all, we have two rooms, so I think you can sleep in the bigger one, and I can sleep in the small one with a balcony. We have all necessary furniture, so we can simply bring our things and start living, maybe we can buy some flowers. I think that we can share housework - I can clean the flat one week, and you can do it the next one. We will do shopping together. And I think we should organize a house-warming party - we can invite our friends, prepare good food and have lots of fun. Maybe next week, after we unpack?