W klubie sportowym poznałam ciekawą osobę. W e-meilu do kolegi z Anglii piszę : jak sie poznalismy, jak on/ona wyglada i jak zamierzam spędzić z nim/nią najbliższy weekend.
Jak juz jest napisane musi to byc forma meila w ok. 100 słowach, albo jakies no ok.12 zdań. z góry dzieki!:)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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dear john
Last week i was with my friends in snooker club. We have been having great time, when suddenly
i met the best snookerist in the north scotland. i met him at the bar when he ordered a drink i borrowed money for him, because he forgeted. We spent nice evenig. he look like Brad Pitt, he is well- bulit and good looking. We have to leave to snooker cup in paris together