Nesesito un dialogo en ingles que contenga estas palabras: afternoon, name, nice, your,hello, meet, how, she, i
Respuesta: Hello! How are you? Nice to meet you, my name is Sofia, she is my sister Bettty, we're going to be in the same class than you in the afternoon. I hope we can be friends. Bye!
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vi que faltó YOUR, le puedes agregar, what's your name? despues de she's my sister Bettty, what's your name?
Afternoo I go to my school and I conoci the name of miss bety is very nice teacher and She say hello girl your hair is very beautiful and I say hello teacher your hair is beatiful igual how me reconocio?
Afternoo I go to my school and I conoci the name of miss bety is very nice teacher and She say hello girl your hair is very beautiful and I say hello teacher your hair is beatiful igual how me reconocio?