Dia mempunyai antena dia mempunyai perut dia bernafas dengan trakea dia termasuk hewan insecta dia mempunyai mata berbentuk seperti belahan bola dia mempunyai belalai dimulutnya kulitnya dari kitin dia mempunyai 3 pasang kaki dia mempunyai sayap yang lebar dia memakan sari bunga/nektar . ARTIKAN KEDALAM B.INGGRIS!
putriellen62She had her stomach antenna he has tracheal breathing with her including her Insecta animals have eyes shaped like a hemisphere ball he has he has an antenna he has the stomach he breathes with the trachea he includes animals Insecta he has eyes shaped like a hemisphere ball he has a trunk in his mouth skin of chitin he has 3 pairs of legs he has a wide wing he ate pollen / nectar
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seharusnya memakai "it",sebab itu untuk hewan
icha17he has had perutdia breathe antenadia trakeadia including insectadia animals have eyes shaped like a hemisphere having a trunk in his mouth boladia skin of kitindia have 3 pairs of wings has a lebardia kakidia consuming pollen / nectar
he has an antenna
he has the stomach
he breathes with the trachea
he includes animals Insecta
he has eyes shaped like a hemisphere ball
he has a trunk in his mouth
skin of chitin
he has 3 pairs of legs
he has a wide wing
he ate pollen / nectar