Jesteś w Londynie i umawiasz się z zagranicznym kolegą na kolację na mieście . *Zaproponuj restaurację specjalizującą się w określonym rodzaju kuchni *Odrzuć kontrpropozycję kolegi podając powód *Zgódź się na jego kolejną propozycję . plisss ;]
- Hi - Hi Ben. - I would like to meet with you. A long time ago we didn't see ourselves. - Very good idea. What do you suggest? - He can so that we go to the restoration, where are serving Italian cuisine. - But not better to go to the new restoration around kitchen Polish? - No. I heard that the Polish cuisine in London was very not very good. Best he will pack in the native country - for Poland. - Maybe you are right. However I don't like the Italian cuisine. It can let us go to the restaurant in which at one time we were already. They are serving dishes of different kind there. From Spanish for French. - Great idea. I am waiting for you in the restaurant about 18. - Well, for seeing. - Bye.
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Hi, - would you like to eat something in Tai restaurant? - No, I would prefer Tai food as it seems more fresh than polish. - You are right, the russian food would be the best for such a cold day.
- Hi
- Hi Ben.
- I would like to meet with you. A long time ago we didn't see ourselves.
- Very good idea. What do you suggest?
- He can so that we go to the restoration, where are serving Italian cuisine.
- But not better to go to the new restoration around kitchen Polish?
- No. I heard that the Polish cuisine in London was very not very good. Best he will pack in the native country - for Poland.
- Maybe you are right. However I don't like the Italian cuisine. It can let us go to the restaurant in which at one time we were already. They are serving dishes of different kind there. From Spanish for French.
- Great idea. I am waiting for you in the restaurant about 18.
- Well, for seeing.
- Bye.
- would you like to eat something in Tai restaurant?
- No, I would prefer Tai food as it seems more fresh than polish.
- You are right, the russian food would be the best for such a cold day.