Sing itin the form ofrockand putan acoustic soundandyeah arokear
You're notbetter than me! If this isyour game, destroyme! Eatleftovers inthe garbage. Butvomitforyou to be morebeautiful. Beautiful isugly when sheison stage. Shemocksall the same. When theybleed. Arise! They speakso low. Arise! Do not hear them! ButI listen. Uglyin doubt. Theydo not know me. Butspitthirteen times. I know myrole. And Ineed you. You're notbetter than me. Salisme, donot ignoreme. You're notbetter than me. Whoam you. You donot like? You're notbetter than me. If this isyour game, destroyme! Suckingeverythinginto my mouth. I amthe strain. Yourvenom isso sweet. The bigdonotspit. Your nails areso dirty. Yourcrackvarnish. Shesometimes. Shewanted to be. Fewjoysfor a fewsentences. Itfacelessdoes notage. Look,quietlystolen. Farmingsouls,fullbodice... What bodywill I selltoday? I can notchoose. Butit would be bestfor them. The bare skin ofmydollSo oftenIwear it. You canthenspit, destroy,steal,plunderme. Underit Ilaugh so hardthat maybeyouhear me? Underit Ilaugh so hardthat maybeitwasyou? Under it,Icryso hard. Under it, I laughedso hard. Under it, I sawso much. Under it, I prayso hard. Under it,I lieso much. Under it,Ilaugh so hardthat maybeyouhear me? Under it,Icryso hard thatmaybekillyou? Itfacelessdoes notage. Lookwiselystolen. Farmingsouls,fullbodice... What bodywill I sell? Today. Isreminiscent oftomorrow. I look at theblood on my hands: Beautiful scenery!
Sing itin the form ofrockand putan acoustic soundandyeah arokear
You're notbetter than me!
If this isyour game, destroyme!
Eatleftovers inthe garbage.
Butvomitforyou to be morebeautiful.
Beautiful isugly when sheison stage.
Shemocksall the same.
When theybleed.
They speakso low.
Do not hear them!
ButI listen.
Uglyin doubt.
Theydo not know me.
Butspitthirteen times.
I know myrole.
And Ineed you.
You're notbetter than me.
Salisme, donot ignoreme.
You're notbetter than me.
Whoam you.
You donot like?
You're notbetter than me.
If this isyour game, destroyme!
Suckingeverythinginto my mouth.
I amthe strain.
Yourvenom isso sweet.
The bigdonotspit.
Your nails areso dirty.
Shewanted to be.
Fewjoysfor a fewsentences.
Itfacelessdoes notage.
What bodywill I selltoday?
I can notchoose.
Butit would be bestfor them.
The bare skin ofmydollSo oftenIwear it.
You canthenspit, destroy,steal,plunderme.
Underit Ilaugh so hardthat maybeyouhear me?
Underit Ilaugh so hardthat maybeitwasyou?
Under it,Icryso hard.
Under it, I laughedso hard.
Under it, I sawso much.
Under it, I prayso hard.
Under it,I lieso much.
Under it,Ilaugh so hardthat maybeyouhear me?
Under it,Icryso hard thatmaybekillyou?
Itfacelessdoes notage.
What bodywill I sell?
Isreminiscent oftomorrow.
I look at theblood on my hands: Beautiful scenery!