Necesito de la p q r s t 3 palabras de cada una en ingles con su abreviacion, sustantico, adjetivo etc todo en ingles es para un diccionario urgentemente
P.m. (abbreviation) PM is "Private Message" or "Post Meridiem (afternoon)" painter an artist who paintspictures. painting (noun) a picture or design executed in paints.
quarterly adjectiveoccurring, done, paid, issued, etc., at the end of every quarter of ayear:queen (noun) a female sovereign or monarch. question (verb) to ask (someone) a question; ask questions of; interrogate
painter an artist who paints pictures.
painting (noun) a picture or design executed in paints.
quarterly adjectiveoccurring, done, paid, issued, etc., at the end of every quarter of ayear:queen (noun) a female sovereign or monarch.
question (verb) to ask (someone) a question; ask questions of; interrogate