Necesito ayuda para traducir este texto en ingles... es muy importante que lo traduzcan bien, ya que no se nada al respecto de ingles y no quiero usar el traductor de google. El carnaval es una celebración que tiene lugar inmediatamente antes del inicio de la cuaresma cristiana, que se inicia a su vez con el Miércoles de Ceniza, que tiene fecha variable (entre febrero y marzo según el año). El carnaval combina algunos elementos como disfraces, desfiles, y fiestas en la calle. Por extensión se llaman así algunas fiestas similares en cualquier época del año. A pesar de las grandes diferencias que su celebración presenta en el mundo, su característica común es la de ser un período de permisividad y cierto descontrol. En sus inicios, probablemente con un cierto sentido del pudor propio de la religión, el Carnaval era un desfile en que los participantes vestían disfraces y usaban máscaras. Sin embargo, la costumbre fue transformando la celebración hasta su forma actual. El origen de su celebración viene desde Hace diez mil años antes de Cristo, hombres, mujeres y niños se reunían en verano con los rostros enmascarados y los cuerpos pintados para espantar a los demonios de la mala cosecha. Los orígenes del carnaval se consigue como una de las más antiguas celebraciones de la humanidad, tanto como las Fiestas Egipcias que homenajeaban a la diosa Isis o al Toro Apis. Los griegos festejaban con grandiosidad las Fiestas Lupercais y Saturnais y celebración del regreso de la primavera, que simboliza el Renacer de la Naturaleza. Más pronto todos concordaron que las grandes fiestas como la del carnaval estaban asociadas a fenómenos astronómicos o a ciclos naturales. En Venezuela la tradición del Carnaval llegó junto con la conquista, cuando se tenía la costumbre de jugar con agua, azulillo, huevos y otras sustancias y fue en el siglo XVIII que el Carnaval comenzó a celebrarse en Caracas de manera más refinada, con carrozas, comparsas, entre otras actividades. Y aunque cada pais lleva a cabo esta celebración de distantas formas, es para llegar a un mismo fin; DE TENER UNA BUENA CELEBRACION EN UNION CON EL PAIS.
The carnival is a celebration that takes place immediately before the start of the Christian Lent, which starts in turn with Ash Wednesday, which has a variable date (between February and March depending on the year). Carnival combines elements such as costumes, parades and street parties. By extension some similar parties are named in any season. Despite the great differences that its celebration presents in the world, their common characteristic is to be a period of permissiveness and some slippage. In the beginning, probably with a certain sense of modesty own religion, Carnival was a parade in which the participants wore costumes and wearing masks. However, the habit was transforming the celebration into its present form. The origin of the celebration is for ten thousand years before Christ, men, women and children gathered in summer with masked faces and painted to ward off the demons of bad harvest bodies. The origins of Carnival is achieved as one of the oldest celebrations of humanity, as well as the Egyptian Party that paid homage to the goddess Isis and the Bull Apis. The Greeks celebrated with grandeur and the Lupercais Saturnais Festivals and celebration of the return of spring, symbolizing the rebirth of nature. Soon all agreed that large parties like carnival were associated with natural phenomena or astronomical cycles. In Venezuela Carnival tradition came along with the conquest, when the habit of playing with water, azulillo, eggs and other substances and was in the eighteenth century that the Carnival was first held in Caracas more refined way, with floats had, parades and other activities. And although each country carried out this celebration of distantas forms it is to reach the same goal; HAVE A GOOD CELEBRATION IN UNION WITH THE COUNTRYPOWER POINT PARA TRADUCIRTELO PALABRA A PALABRA
The carnival is a celebration that takes place immediately before the start of the Christian Lent, which starts in turn with Ash Wednesday, which has a variable date (between February and March depending on the year). Carnival combines elements such as costumes, parades and street parties. By extension some similar parties are named in any season. Despite the great differences that its celebration presents in the world, their common characteristic is to be a period of permissiveness and some slippage. In the beginning, probably with a certain sense of modesty own religion, Carnival was a parade in which the participants wore costumes and wearing masks. However, the habit was transforming the celebration into its present form. The origin of the celebration is for ten thousand years before Christ, men, women and children gathered in summer with masked faces and painted to ward off the demons of bad harvest bodies. The origins of Carnival is achieved as one of the oldest celebrations of humanity, as well as the Egyptian Party that paid homage to the goddess Isis and the Bull Apis. The Greeks celebrated with grandeur and the Lupercais Saturnais Festivals and celebration of the return of spring, symbolizing the rebirth of nature. Soon all agreed that large parties like carnival were associated with natural phenomena or astronomical cycles.
In Venezuela Carnival tradition came along with the conquest, when the habit of playing with water, azulillo, eggs and other substances and was in the eighteenth century that the Carnival was first held in Caracas more refined way, with floats had, parades and other activities.
And although each country carried out this celebration of distantas forms it is to reach the same goal; HAVE A GOOD CELEBRATION IN UNION WITH THE COUNTRYPOWER POINT PARA TRADUCIRTELO PALABRA A PALABRA