Natalia Lesz (ur. 27 lipca 1981 w Warszawie) – polska piosenkarka, tancerka i aktorka. Przez 8 lat uczęszczała na lekcje do szkoły baletowej w Warszawie. Dalszą naukę kontynuowała w szkołach w Wielkiej Brytanii oraz Stanach Zjednoczonych, Ukończyła kierunek aktorstwa oraz teatru muzycznego w Tisch School Of The Arts w Nowym Jorku. Nad pierwszą płytą, zatytułowaną Natalia Lesz, pracowała w Los Angeles, Na początku 2008 roku jej utwór Power of Attraction znalazł się na 24. miejscu w rankingu najlepszych utworów amerykańskiego Billboard Magazine. Płyta miała premierę 11 kwietnia 2008. Debiutancki album promował singel Fall, wyprodukowany przez Grega Wellsa. Drugim singlem został utwór Power of Attraction. Trzeci singiel z jej pierwszej płyty - Miss You, ukazał się w 11 grudnia 2008. Natalia w duecie z raperem Teką nagrała również piosenkę Superhero, która miała swoją premierę w listopadzie 2008.
Trzeba to przetłumaczyć na angielski. :) Na JUTRO!! PILNE BARDZO
Natalia Lesz (July 27, 1981 in Warsaw) - Polish singer, dancer and actress. For 8 years she attended classes for ballet school in Warsaw. Further studies continued in schools in Britain and the United States. She graduated from the direction of acting and musical theater in the Tisch School of the Arts in New York. On the first album, entitled "Natalia Lesz, worked in Los Angeles, In early 2008, the song Power of Attraction was at 24 place in the ranking of the best songs of the American Billboard Magazine. CD was released April 11, 2008. Promote their debut album Fall song, produced by Greg Wells. The second single was track Power Of Attraction. The third single from her first CD - Miss You, was released in 11 December 2008. Natalia in a duet with the rapper's portfolio has also recorded a song Superhero, which had its premiere in November 2008.
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Natalia Lesz ( born in Warsaw in 27 July 1981st) polish vocalist, dancer and actress. For 8 years she attended lessons to a ballet school in Warsaw. She carried the more further learning on at schools in Great Britain and the United States, she finished direction of the acting and a musical theatre in Tisch School Of The Arts in New York. Above the first surface, titled Natalia Lesz, worked in Los Angeles, at the beginning of 2008 for her Power work of Attraction was on 24. for place of the works best at the ranking American Magazine Billboard. The plate had the premiere on 11 April 2008. A Fall single, produced by Greg Wells promoted the debut album. A Power work became the second single of Attraction. The third single from her first surface - You beauty queen, was published in 11 December 2008. Natalia in the duet with the rapper with File also recorded the Superhero song which had its premiere in November 2008.
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Natalia Lesz (July 27, 1981 in Warsaw) - Polish singer, dancer and actress.For 8 years she attended classes for ballet school in Warsaw. Further studies continued in schools in Britain and the United States,She graduated from the direction of acting and musical theater in the Tisch School of the Arts in New York.On the first album, entitled "Natalia Lesz, worked in Los Angeles In early 2008, Power of Attraction song was on a 24-spot in the ranking of the best songs of the American Billboard Magazine. CD was released April 11, 2008. Promote their debut album Fall song, produced by Greg Wells. The second single was track Power Of Attraction. The third single from her first CD - Miss You, was released in 11 December 2008. Natalia in a duet with the rapper's portfolio has also recorded a song Superhero, which had its premiere in November 2008.
On the first album, entitled "Natalia Lesz, worked in Los Angeles,
In early 2008, the song Power of Attraction was at 24 place in the ranking of the best songs of the American Billboard Magazine. CD was released April 11, 2008. Promote their debut album Fall song, produced by Greg Wells. The second single was track Power Of Attraction. The third single from her first CD - Miss You, was released in 11 December 2008. Natalia in a duet with the rapper's portfolio has also recorded a song Superhero, which had its premiere in November 2008.
In early 2008, Power of Attraction song was on a 24-spot in the ranking of the best songs of the American Billboard Magazine.
CD was released April 11, 2008. Promote their debut album Fall song, produced by Greg Wells. The second single was track Power Of Attraction. The third single from her first CD - Miss You, was released in 11 December 2008. Natalia in a duet with the rapper's portfolio has also recorded a song Superhero, which had its premiere in November 2008.