RoadsterJest to opis kamienistej plaży z klifem, na którym jest latarnia morska i mała chatka obok. Oba budynki są białe z czerwonymi dachami. Po lewej stronie jest morze, a za latarnią i chatką znajduje się las iglasty. Wszystko to w porze zachodu słońca.
My favourite place is located at the seaside. It's a beautiful rocky beach with a cliff. On the cliff, there is a lighthouse and a pine forest behind it. The lighthouse has white walls and a red top. There's also a small cabin next to the lighthouse in the same colour pattern. The view from the cliff on the sea is beautiful. I like going there at the sunset, it's very peaceful and relaxing there.
My favourite place is located at the seaside. It's a beautiful rocky beach with a cliff. On the cliff, there is a lighthouse and a pine forest behind it. The lighthouse has white walls and a red top. There's also a small cabin next to the lighthouse in the same colour pattern. The view from the cliff on the sea is beautiful. I like going there at the sunset, it's very peaceful and relaxing there.