Napisze recenzję z filmu Titanic,Avatar,Alicja w krainie czarów , Opowieści z Narnii,Alvin i wiewiórki.Prosze o pomoc !!!!!!!! przypominam że to z angielskiego!!!!!!!!!!
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Today with friends we went to is dying to the titled Avatar film. American film from 2009 from the kind science fiction. James is an author, a scriptwriter and a director of the film Cameron which shot his previous feature film 12 years earlier. The world premiere of the film was held on 18 December 2009, and to Polish cinemas he hit 25 December 2009. Avatar is the most income film in kina.Jest history it is the first film for manufacturing company 20 th Century Fox, in which for her the new logo, animated by the Blue Sky Studio was used, of authors of the lodowcowej.Wczesna Age version of Avatara script she came into existence in 1995, then however they acknowledged that his realization was impossible. Only in 2005 Cameron found adequate tools in order to carry out a plan. To the film they were doing the shooting since April by December 2007, however on postprodukcję 2 years were set aside (Digital Vetoes), which a few photographic additional days were held during.The film was released in three versions: 2 D , digital 3 D and IMAX 3 D. In the production modern cameras 3 were used changing D, faithfully imitating the way, into which human eyes can see the space, distance between lens differing in the angle of looking. Main bohateramu of avatar film are: very Worthington and Zoe Saldana. I think that they played their roles superbly! I am telling everyone for fanatics of the cinema to watch this film in dimension 3 D!