Napisze moje ulubione miejsce po angielsku. Moje ulubione miejsce to catedra sw. szczepana. what is your favourite place? where is it. how old is it. are there any problems ;-)
Construction of the presentGothicchurchbegan in1248and lastedintermittentlyfor over 600 yearsto 1880.Located on thesite of a Romantempleofthe fourth centuryandlaterCarolingianchurchfrom the time ofthe RiverRhineCologneCathedralis144meters longand 86meters wideandtowerswith a height of157.38m[1]After thetowers(about1870)cathedral wasthe tallest building inthe worldto1884.It isthe second highestgothicreligious buildingin the world (afterthe Cathedral ofUlm)andthe third largestcathedralin the worldin terms of area(afterthe Cathedralof Santa MariainSevilleCathedralNativity ofthe HolyVirginin Milan).The areawith thetowersof the churchis7000square meters.In 1996, thecathedralhas been a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site.Constructionis a showcase ofbothCologneandthe whole of Germany,massivelyvisitedby pilgrimsand tourists, and in2001wasnearly 6million people.In 2005, thecathedralwas one ofthe highlights of theWorld Youth Dayunder the leadership ofPope Benedict XVI.
A department of saint Szczepana is my stomping ground. She it in Vienna and is a pride of the local country. She was built in years 1230 / 1240-1263 in the late-Romanesque style, and next it was being developed than XIV to the beginning the 16th century Then the cathedral received it current Gothic form.This chair is responsibility of the largest European churches, for her the total length is 107, whereas width 34 metres. Above roofs of the cathedral four towers are sticking up: highest Steffl from them popularly named has 136.4 metres of the height, while north (which construction was never finished) only 68 metres.
Construction of the presentGothicchurchbegan in1248and lastedintermittentlyfor over 600 yearsto 1880.Located on thesite of a Romantempleofthe fourth centuryandlaterCarolingianchurchfrom the time ofthe RiverRhineCologneCathedralis144meters longand 86meters wideandtowerswith a height of157.38m[1]After thetowers(about1870)cathedral wasthe tallest building inthe worldto1884.It isthe second highestgothicreligious buildingin the world (afterthe Cathedral ofUlm)andthe third largestcathedralin the worldin terms of area(afterthe Cathedralof Santa MariainSevilleCathedralNativity ofthe HolyVirginin Milan).The areawith thetowersof the churchis7000square meters.In 1996, thecathedralhas been a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site.Constructionis a showcase ofbothCologneandthe whole of Germany,massivelyvisitedby pilgrimsand tourists, and in2001wasnearly 6million people.In 2005, thecathedralwas one ofthe highlights of theWorld Youth Dayunder the leadership ofPope Benedict XVI.
A department of saint Szczepana is my stomping ground. She it in Vienna and is a pride of the local country. She was built in years 1230 / 1240-1263 in the late-Romanesque style, and next it was being developed than XIV to the beginning the 16th century Then the cathedral received it current Gothic form.This chair is responsibility of the largest European churches, for her the total length is 107, whereas width 34 metres. Above roofs of the cathedral four towers are sticking up: highest Steffl from them popularly named has 136.4 metres of the height, while north (which construction was never finished) only 68 metres.