I mean,you'realmostinevery step of theshop, boutiques, galleries,supermarkets, etc.Thevillageis almostnothinginterestinghappens...Ijustlivein the cityorin the countryornot.There are a lotof shopsbank, post office, school,church,ice cream parlor,clothingshops, pizzeria, bars7 thousand.residents.It is notso badbut myplaceis nothing likethetypicalvillagewhere at eachstepa cowora pigor acow shed.
City is a big place. There are always lots of people and we dosn't feel scared and alone. You can also go to the shopper center and you can with your friend go to the cinema. You can swim on the swimming pool . There is lot of things in the city. City is a better than country side or small town.
I mean,you'realmostinevery step of theshop, boutiques, galleries,supermarkets, etc.Thevillageis almostnothinginterestinghappens...Ijustlivein the cityorin the countryornot.There are a lotof shopsbank, post office, school,church,ice cream parlor,clothingshops, pizzeria, bars7 thousand.residents.It is notso badbut myplaceis nothing likethetypicalvillagewhere at eachstepa cowora pigor acow shed.
daj najj :)
City is a big place. There are always lots of people and we dosn't feel scared and alone. You can also go to the shopper center and you can with your friend go to the cinema. You can swim on the swimming pool . There is lot of things in the city. City is a better than country side or small town.
Myślę, że pomogłam . Plisss, daj mi naj :))))))