Napiszcie po angielsku o swoim ulubionym filmie w tv ( na którym programie leciał (np.tvn) o której (np.16.00) kiedy (np.dzisiaj) i opowiedzcie o nim troszke (np. był fajny,przerażający itp.)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Yesterday, late afternoon I watched the movie "Honey" on one of less popular TV programs called TV4. The movie wasn't the most recent but even though, it was very pleasant to watch. "Honey" is a story about young girl who dreams of becoming a music video choreographer. It shows hard work and brutal life mixed with love and hope and of course a lot of fantastic dance performances. The movie was funny and sad at the same time, full of life wisdom. I was very impressed by actors' dancing skills. I would recommend it to everybody!