Jest to budynek Kościoła w Inowrocławiu. Zbudowany jest w stylu romańskim. Pochodzi z końca XII lub początku XIII wieku.
Przygotowując projekt użyliśmy : prostopadłościany – wieże i główny budynek ostrosłupy – dachy wież graniastosłup – dach głównego budynku półwalec – apsyda stożek – dach apsydy
Makietę w skali 1:100 wykonali uczniowie VI klasy .
Description : It is a building of the church in Inowrocławiu, is built in the Romanesque style. Dates from the late twelfth or early thirteenth century. In preparing this project, we used: - Squareness - towers and the main building - pyramids - the roofs of the towers - prism - the roof of the main building - semi cylindrical - opse -cone - roof opse
Model in scale 1: 100 6 grade students performed:
The building a romanesque style based church in Inowrocław. It dates back to the twelth century and even early thirteenth century. The opses by the church has a cone shaped roof, semi cylindrical opse. The church itself has a prism shaped roof with square based towers. The towers have square based pyramid roofs. The church is made of very thick stone and has small windows so there had to be lit torches inside the church even if it was the middle of the day. Prosiłbym o naj