Napiszcie mi 9 zdań po angielsku z ( 5 przeczących i 4 twierzdzące )
Zdania mają wyglądać tak:
Twierdzace :
Podmiot+is+as + jakiś przymiotnik + as + Podmiot
Przeczące :
Podmiot + is + not + as + przymiotnik + as + Podmiot
PS. Zdania mają mieć conajmniej 10 wyrazów !
Dam Naj .
Z góry dziękuje :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Karolina is as beautiful as Joanna, Katherine and Bill.
Elinor is as inteligent as Jacob, Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Lady.
Claudia is as pretty as Tom, Gabe, Laura and Austin.
Marry is as happy as Caroline, Charlie, Ally and Zack.
Minerva isn't as nice as Jenny, Emily, Paul and Cristiano.
Bellatrix isn't as ugly as Bellatrix's sister and two Belltrix's friends.
Marta isn'a as suprised as William, Pippa and Marta's mother.
Irina isn't as bored as Monika, Robby and dog.
Camila isn't as terrified as Monika's friends and Monika's father.
Marta is very clever. She is as smart as her teacher.
English is as famous as Spanish.
My cat as funny as Katy's dog
We are playing guitar as good as Metallica (moze byc tu jaki kolwiek inny zespol)
Tomek is my friend, but he isn't as helpful as me.
In school Hubert isn't as good as kasia
Paul's paintings aren't as famous as D'caprio
You aren't as nice as me